BorkNAS Down a Drive
After installing the new SSDs in my BorkNAS, I noticed one of my 4TB drives has failed. Out of the
Back to Ubuntu 16.04.3
Info After dealing with constant crashes on Ubuntu 17.10 on my laptop, I’m going back to 16.04.3 for stability. I’m
Ubuntu Initial Install Script
Info the script i use to install and setup all my fresh ubuntu installs What it Installs software-properties-common htop dropbox
BorkSSH: The Gateway to BorkNet
BorkSSH is the VM I use as the main gateway into my internal network, BorkNet, from the outside world. It’s
NAS Upgrade: Adding SSDs for Cluster VM Storage
I recently ordered some SSDs to upgrade my NAS and use them as storage for my cluster VMs. This should
Cluster Update: Proxmox 5.1 Upgrade
A new version of Proxmox was released a couple of months ago, so it’s time for an update. I backed