Making bash for Windows not suck
One of the most annoying things about using Bash for Windows is that dark blue text against a black background—almost
One of the most annoying things about using Bash for Windows is that dark blue text against a black background—almost
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa sudo apt update && sudo apt install google-drive-ocamlfuse google-drive-ocamlfuse mkdir ~/googledrive google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/googledrive Unmount fusermount -u ~/google-drive
Info I spent some time getting Certbot set up for my web hosting project, Certbot allows me to easily
Steps sudo vim/etc/dhcpcd.conf add interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= save reboot
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio sudo apt-get update sudo apt install obs-studio
Create a MySQL Database and User for WordPress mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE wordpress DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install atom
# disk usage filesystem to grep any dir larger than 1G to sort largest on top sudo du -xh /