Playing With A PiTFT Screen
Info Playing with a Adafruit 3.5″ PiTFT Install cd ~ wget chmod +x sudo ./ Parts Raspberry Pi 3
All The Things To KDE Neon
I’ve been testing out KDE Neon 18.04 on my laptop and really liking it, so I decided to go all
Time to Update Tylor.Ninja
Tylor.Ninja is overdue for an update, so it’s time to go through the site and give it a fresh look.
Battlestation Time For My Sister
My sister recently got hooked up with a free monitor from a friend at work. She was tired of the
Time for A Reverse Proxy
I’m finally taking the time to set up an NGINX reverse proxy so I can switch all my lab services
Updating the GitLab Server
I just set up a fresh GitLab server using Ubuntu 18 and transferred all my repos from the old server.